We Used To Be Best Buddies And Now We’Re Not

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We Used to Be Best Buddies and Now We’re Not

I remember when we were kids, we were inseparable. We would spend hours playing together, making up stories, and just being kids. We were each other’s best friends, and we thought that would never change.

But then we grew up. We went to different schools, made new friends, and started to change and grow as people. And somewhere along the way, we drifted apart. Now, we barely talk at all, and it makes me sad to think about what we used to have.

Drifting Apart: A Common Experience

Drifting apart is a common experience for many people. As we grow and change, our friendships can change too. Sometimes, we simply outgrow our old friends, as we may no longer share the same interests or values. Other times, we may drift apart due to life circumstances, such as moving away or starting a new job.

Whatever the reason, drifting apart can be a painful experience. It can feel like losing a part of yourself, and it can be difficult to adjust to life without your best friend. But it’s important to remember that drifting apart is a part of life. It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person, or that your friendship was a failure. It simply means that you and your friend have grown in different directions.

Understanding the Reasons for Drifting Apart

There are many different reasons why friends drift apart. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Changing interests and values: As we grow and change, our interests and values may change too. This can lead to us drifting apart from friends who no longer share our passions.
  • Life circumstances: Sometimes, life circumstances can lead to us drifting apart from friends. For example, if you move away to a new city, or start a new job, it can be difficult to maintain your old friendships.
  • Misunderstandings and conflicts: Sometimes, friendships can end due to misunderstandings or conflicts. If you and your friend have a falling out, it can be difficult to repair the damage.

Tips for Dealing with Drifting Apart

If you’re struggling with drifting apart from a friend, there are a few things you can do to cope:

  • Accept that it’s happened: The first step to dealing with drifting apart is to accept that it’s happened. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault.
  • Grieve the loss: Allow yourself to grieve the loss of your friendship. This may involve crying, talking to someone about it, or writing in a journal.
  • Focus on the good times: Remember the good times you had with your friend. This can help you to feel better about the situation.
  • Make new friends: Make an effort to make new friends. This can help you to fill the void left by your old friend.

FAQs About Drifting Apart

Here are some FAQs about drifting apart:

  1. Is it normal to drift apart from friends? Yes, it’s very common to drift apart from friends as we grow and change.
  2. What are some signs that you’re drifting apart from a friend? Some signs that you’re drifting apart from a friend include spending less time together, losing interest in each other’s lives, and arguing more often.
  3. How can I prevent drifting apart from my friends? There is no surefire way to prevent drifting apart from your friends, but there are some things you can do to make it less likely. These include making an effort to stay in touch, being supportive of each other, and forgiving each other’s mistakes.


Drifting apart from a friend can be a painful experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s a part of life. If you’re struggling with drifting apart from a friend, there are things you can do to cope. Accept that it’s happened, grieve the loss, focus on the good times, and make new friends.

Have you ever drifted apart from a friend? How did you cope?

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